
Delphi study on development of SPICT™-SA

SPICT™-SA has been developed by a multidisciplinary team let by Dr Rene Krause based at the University of Cape Town using a Delphi process to ensure the indicators and guidance reflect best practice in South Africa.
Download a copy of SPICT™-SA

Krause, R., Barnard, A., Burger, H., de Vos, A., Evans, K., Farrant, L., Fouche, N., Kalula, S., Morgan, J., Mohamed, Z., Panieri, E., Ras, T., Raubenheimer, P., Verburg, E., Boyd, K., & Gwyther, L. (2022). A Delphi study to guide the development of a clinical indicator tool for palliative care in South Africa. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 14(1), 7 pages.