
RED-MAP framework for care planning conversations

RED-MAP is a 6-step guide to future care planning conversations with people whose health is deteriorating, and their families.

The RED-MAP resources are now available on a designated page on the SPICT website. RED-MAP helps us have person-centred conversations, share information, find out what is important, and agree goals and actions for future changes in health.

Future care planning can be advance care planning or anticipatory care planning (in Scotland) or may focus on planning for emergency treatment and care (ReSPECT process – Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment). Internationally, there are many programmes aiming to support people to talk about what matters to them and plan ahead with people close to them and their care team. Talking about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) decisions can be part of future care planning.

We use SPICT to identify people with life-limiting illnesses.  Having effective ways to discuss palliative care and care planning makes a difference. That’s the aim of RED-MAP.